Year of establishment: 1960
    Juridical Form: Company on shares
    Number employees: 247
    Social Capital: 5894.274 mil. lei - Integrally Romanian capital
    Capital structure: 100 % private
    Turnover: 3.730.000 Euro/year
    Quality assurance: according with the SR-EN-ISO 9001:2004 standard
    Web site:

Founded in 1960 as a research- design institute for automation, IPA SA has kept until now its main profile: research -development, design, production, assembling, service and consultancy for automation and IT equipments and installations, in industry (chemistry and oil processing, metallurgy, building materials, energy, machine building), environment protection (emission/imission control, toxic emissions, meteo-hydro parameters monitoring), services for citizens ( public information system, lighting up control of landing/ take-off runways, seismic parameters monitoring, dams survey, security and fire alarm systems).

Through its subsidiaries placed in the main cities of Romania (Cluj, Craiova, Galati), as well as through its Work Points, IPA SA successfully covers the Romanian territory in its field of activity.
IPA SA is the Coordinating Unit of the AMTRANS Programme, part of PNCDI.

IPA CIFATT Craiova subsidiary:
 IPA Craiova established in 1980, based on R&D activity, system integrator, software development; ISO 9001 certified;
 1995 - Incubation, Entrepreneurs Formation and Technology Transfer Center - Autorized (no.1) by Romanian Ministery of Education and Research;
 1997 - IRC Regional Consulting Center for financing by partnership in European projects; regional center, FP5 / FP6;
 1999/2004 - Regional Consulting Center in European projects FP5/6;
 2000 - R&D Excellence Center;
 2004 - IRC 4D Innovation Relay Center for Romania (with ARIES);
 2004 - coordination of national network for IT - disemination, technology transfer (RoDI project);
 2004 - Romanian point in REGinNEt network "Regional approach towards FP6. Network of contact points in large ACC and Member States".
 2004 - Vicepresident of ARIES Romanian Asociation for Electronic and Software Industry, President of Oltenia region subsidiary;
 IPA has a network and a data base for dissemination of information with 489 members in Oltenia (SME, NGO, Universities, Research Units, Local Administration) and 480 research and education units of Europe. Communication is electronic ( e - mail, web pag. );
 IPA realized incubation of business and technology transfer for important SME units of Oltenia: INDA ELTRAC, VIG, CLTTE, Uranus, DREAM Conf., Automatech, etc.;
 Consulting for SME for promotion of new ideas by national or international financing projects; it found national or international regional partnership (Leonardo, Minerva, ISPA, Life, ACCES, ADR PHARE, bilateral programs);
 Partner for Local Administration Concil and Regional Consil of SME's for Phare Projects - Transfrontalier Romania Bulgaria Cooperation for Information and coordonation of actions for economic development, specialy for technological transfer and partnership in international projects;
 Very good relations with regional management in Oltenia's Region (Universities, County Councils, Townhalls, Prefectures, Chamber of Commerce, CLIMM - SME Regional Council - Dolj, South - West Oltenia Regional Development Agency) for which have develope and presented priority projects;
 Founding member of project proposal for establishment of Technology and Scientific Park - "Henri Coanda" - Craiova;
 Very good relations with regional industrial units and administrations;
 It has coordinated projects: FP6, PHARE, PHARE TTQM, BERD, EUREKA, Minerva, Ritti Access. It participated as partner at Phare CBC, TEMPUS, Socrates, PHARE - ADR projects, Leonardo;
 It coordinated national projects: RELANSIN, MENER, INVENT, Orizont 2000;
 Member of techniques committee IFAC - International Federation of Control, Automations for Mining and Environment, Energy;
 Memeber of Directorat Comitee for CLIMM - Regional Association of SME's.
 Co-organizer of Events: Workshops, Symposiums and national / international Congresses: Systems Theory and Automations (SINTES) 12 editions, CDIV Research Development Inovation Capitalization for SME, 5 editions, National Congress of Infant Surgery 5 editions;
 Participles at more symposiums and international or national congresses, workshops, conferences;
 Honorific member E - Learning, E - business strategies - Bucarest, International Conference;
 Rich experience concerning projects, research and technologic transfer of control informatics systems;
 Promotes inventions and new ideas by projects of applied research - technologic transfer - manufacturing;
 Edited and participated as partner at international projects: 4 projects IST, 2 projects CEI, 2 projects Leonardo, 1 project ISPA, 3 projects Phare ADR, 1 project GTZ Germany - bilateral, 1 project Romania - Italy - bilateral, 2 projects Mondial Bank;

Strategic stages are the following:
 Strong relations between SME, theoretical and fundamental research and applied research;
 Development of business incubations and technology transfer activity with SME especially;
 Promotion of new ideas, granting of patent, technology transfer, manufacturing;
 Great implications in regional projects of development;
 Establishment of Technologic and Scientific Park - "Henri Coanda" - Craiova;
 Providing feedback related to business requests/questions in the framework of the Interactive Policy Making project;
 Encourages the development of relations with the various services of the Commission;
 Identifies and encourages the exchange of good practices between SMEs;
 Provides technical assistance in the use of software tools and telecommunications;
 Improving the access of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to information and advice on the internal market and other European policies affecting them;

The strategic alliance which we realized aiming development of co - operation, partnership and promptness information.

In the future, the center will be nucleus of scientific and technologic park in industry, agriculture and environment.

We are interested to cooperate on FP6, Eureka, Leonardo, INTERREG, EU programs, e_learning, e_activities, Environment Monitoring / Risk Management / engineering projects, software developments under technical specification, incubation / innovatios, technology transfer, regional development;