Boosting cREative induSTries in urbAn Regeneration for a stronger Danube regionRESTART_4Danube
Duration 07.2020 – 12.2022
The RESART_4Danube project is co-funded by 3 European Union funds, the European Regional Development Fund, the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance and the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ERDF, IPA, ENI).
Budget in Euro:
Overall: 1.814.895
ERDF Contribution: 1.348.100
IPA Contribution: 57.710,75
ENI Contribution: 136.850
Web page:
Cities face challenges to develop a culture that generates public/private synergies to promote SMEs & stimulate creative urban communities.
The activities will produce 10 outputs:
- 1 common strategy
- 1 set of tools for Creative Urban Regeneration
- 5 Local Action Plans
- 1 package of cooperation agreements between entreprises and R&D
- 1 package of Readiness Level Audits
- 1 training toolkit
As a part of the project pilot action, 5 Local Action Plans (LAPs) will be developed. The LAPs will significantly improve the transnational & institutional cooperation and enhance the capacity building.
- LAP 1 - New spaces for experimentation, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the CCI sector in Craiova, Romania.
- LAP 2 - Sustainable regeneration of industrial building in Rijeka, Croatia.
- LAP 3 - Transit-oriented development in Maribor, Slovenia.
- LAP 4 - Refurbishing heritage and historical buildings in Sárvár, Hungary.
- LAP 5 - Green urban regeneration in Vratsa, Bulgaria.
The partnership comprises 25 project partners coming from 12 countries and is coordinated by University “Politehnica” from Bucharest, Romania.
The project uses a quadruple helix approach through the collaboration of 11 public authorities, 7 companies & business support organizations, 4 higher education & research institutions and 3 civil society actors.
The countries participating to the RESTART_4Danube project next to Romania are Germany, Slovenija, Croatia, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, and Estonia.
Playing an important role in the consortium, Steinbeis 2i is a project partner responsible for two working packages, “Capitalization and Policy Recommendation” and “Communication”.
Social media links of the project are:
• Facebook:
• LinkedIn business page:
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